
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Vegan Food!

I try my best to be as 'raw' as possible but with two jobs, and limited variety on freash produce, a girl has to make exceptions. Such as...
Comfort food #1 - Amy's Baked Ziti

#2 - Annie Chun's vegan noodle bowls
Quick and Easy - Bananas are literally the perfect food! Pre wrapped, fast, and perfect nutrition! I usually stuff a few of them in my lunch bag as I'm heading out to my next shift. Remember that you want your nanners slightly spotted, not just yellow or even green.

Bean Burrito - The easy classic, no need for frozen, expensive. Just beans, salsa, avocado, roll it up on a torrtila or make a dip bowl either way it's a true tummy pleaser.
PB&J - Yep, it's still as yummy as ever. I use Dave's Killer Bread. You can easily make your own peanut butter in your blender. Same thing with jam. One favorite of mine is peanut butter and nanners.
Veggies & Dip - So fast, easy, and delish! Just slice up the veggies, grab some peanut butter or whatever dip you have on had and go.
Fruit - Nanners aside, apples, peaches, pears, even just an avocado are all amazing grab and go foods.

Fast, Harty, Filling - Can't go wrong with pasta! My favorite's are using the quinoa variety of pasta's, or whatever other vegan pasta's I can find. Just add some tomatoe sauce, salsa, veggies, whatev and presto! Same thing with stir frye. Throw the veggies in a pan, sizzle a little and yumm.

My typical work days consist of..
1) a fruit smothie with a handful of greens thrown in.
2) nanners or other fruit
3) Soup, pasta, salad, pb&j, something like that
4) veggies & dip or more nanners
5) Annie Chun's noodle bowl, borrito, something
6) whatever fruit I have on hand

See, easy peasy!

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